From Trey! The first week |
Today is Trey's 1 week birthday! What a week it has been. This baby is amazing... the one you hear about but think they do not actually exist. He is on a 3 hour feeding/sleeping schedule (almost to the minute) which allows us to get 1-2 sleep cycles each round, plan our day (including outings but most importantly his breastfeeding schedule), and overall just be calm about the whole newborn phase. Trey also has one 5 hour sleep session, which yesterday was his first time to sleep 5 hours in the evening. So needless to say, Gus and I feel great, and hardly sleep deprived.
From Trey! The first week |
In addition, Trey has many alert and awake moments throughout the day. Which has been a lot of fun watching and playing with him. Without question, Trey's favorite thing to look at is Zane. His eyes follow Zane everywhere. He is totally in awe of his big brother. Even more than Mom or Dad... even more than the booby.
Mama's favorite physical attribute: Trey's chubbiness -- Chubby Cheeks and Chubby Butt!
From Trey! The first week |
Daddy's favorite: His inquisitive eyes (still trying to get an accurate picture of this)
Stats: (as of 3/8/2011 - last doctor appointment)
Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz (24%) (gained 5 oz since discharge weight on 3/5/11)
Height: 20.25 inches (57%)
Head circumference: 35cm (35%)
"Newborn rash" -- ALL GONE.
What do you need to know about Trey that you can not discover in pictures:
- Trey is a squeaker, not a big crier. Don't get us wrong, this kid can belt it out if he wants too, but typically he just squeaks.
- Trey's big toe (on both feet) spreads out like a large "V", kind of like Spock's Vulcan fingers. Try this on your own foot. So far Mama and Daddy Zeiner, Zane, Nana and Grandma Mouge can not do this, we wonder where this came from genetically.
- Trey smiles when he sleeps, the crooked one side at a time smile. It is really cute.
- Trey is a voracious eater (you might have gathered this from previous posts), he is completely opposite than Zane who was and still is a "snacker".
- Trey's lanugo gave him Elvis sideburns.
- Hates baths, but sure is cute when he gets one...
From Trey! The first week |
From Trey! The first week |
Much love to all!
Los Zeiners
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